Thursday, April 17, 2008

Kindling Your Inner Fire

Trust yourself. Create the kind of life you will be
happy to live with all your life. Make the most of
yourself by fanning the tiny, inner sparks of possibility
into the flames of achievement.
Foster C. McClellan
"The day that Yogi Raman shared his mystical little fable with me,
high atop the Himalayas, was actually quite similar to this day in
many respects," said Julian.
"Our meeting began in the evening and carried on well into the
night. There was such a chemistry between the two of us that the
air seemed to crackle with electricity. As I mentioned to you
earlier, from the first moment I met Raman, I felt as if he was the
brother I never had. Tonight, sitting here with you and enjoying
the look of intrigue on your face, I feel the same energy and bond.
I will also tell you that I have always thought of you as my little
brother since we became friends, I'll tell you the truth, I saw a lot
of myself in you."
"You were an amazing litigator, Julian. I will never forget your
It was obvious that he had no interest in exploring the
museum of his past.
"John, I'd like to continue to share the elements of Yogi
Raman's fable with you, but before I do this, I must confirm
something. Already you have learned a number of highly
effective strategies for personal change which will do wonders
for you if you apply them consistently. I will open my heart to you
tonight and reveal everything I know, as it is my duty to do. I just
want to make sure that you fully understand how important it is
that you, in turn, pass this wisdom on to all those who are
searching for such guidance. We are living in a very troubled
world. Negativity pervades it and many in our society are
floating like ships without rudders, weary souls searching for a
lighthouse that will keep them from crashing against the rocky
shores. You must serve as a captain of sorts. I'm placing my trust
in you to take the message of the Sages of Sivana to all those who
need it."
After consideration, I promised Julian with conviction that I
would accept this assignment. He then continued passionately.
"The beauty of the whole exercise is that as you strive to improve
the lives of others, your own life will be elevated into its highest
dimensions. This truth is based on an ancient paradigm for
extraordinary living."
"I'm all ears."
"Basically, the sages of the Himalayas guided their lives by a
simple rule: he who serves the most, reaps the most, emotionally,
physically, mentally and spiritually. This is the way to inner peace
and outer fulfillment."
I once read that people who study others are wise but those
who study themselves are enlightened. Here, perhaps for the first
time, I saw a man who truly knew himself, perhaps his highest self.
In his austere clothing, with the half-smile of a youthful Buddha
gracing his supple face, Julian Mantle appeared to have it all: ideal
health, happiness and an overriding sense of his role in the
kaleidoscope of the universe. Yet, he owned nothing.
"This brings me to the lighthouse," said Julian, remaining
focused on the task at hand.
"I was wondering how that fit into Yogi Raman's fable."
"I'll try to explain," he responded, sounding more like a wellschooled
professor than a lawyer turned monk who had renounced
the sensual world. "You have now learned that the mind is like a
fertile garden and for it to flourish, you must nurture it daily.
Never let the weeds of impure thought and action take the garden
of your mind. Stand guard at the gateway of your mind. Keep it
healthy and strong — it will work miracles in your life if you will
only let it."
"You will recall that in the middle of the garden stood a
magnificent lighthouse. This symbol will remind you of yet another
ancient principle for enlightened living: the purpose of life is a life
of purpose. Those who are truly enlightened know what they want
out of life, emotionally, materially, physically and spiritually.
Clearly defined priorities and goals for every aspect of your life
will serve a role similar to that played by a lighthouse, offering you
guidance and refuge when the seas become rough. You see, John,
anyone can revolutionize their lives once they revolutionize the
direction in which they are moving. But if you don't even know
where you are going, how will you ever know when you get there?"
Julian transported me back to the time when Yogi Raman
examined this principle with him. He recalled the sage's exact
words. "Life is funny," observed Yogi Raman. "One would think
that the less one worked the more one would have the chance to
experience happiness. However, the real source of happiness can
be stated in a word: achievement. Lasting happiness comes from
steadily working to accomplish your goals and advancing
confidently in the direction of your life's purpose. This is the secret
to kindling the inner fire that lurks within you. I do understand
that it might seem more than a little ironic that you have travelled
thousands of miles from your achievement-oriented society to
speak to a cluster of mystical sages living high in the Himalayas
only to learn that another eternal secret of happiness can be found
in achievement, but it is true."
"Workaholic monks?" I suggested playfully.
"Quite the opposite. While the sages were tremendously
productive people, their productivity was not of the frenetic type.
Instead, it was of the peaceful, focused, zen-like kind."
"How so?"
"Everything they did had a purpose. Though they were
removed from the modern world and lived a highly spiritual
existence, they were also highly effective. Some spent their days
polishing off philosophical treatises, others created fabulous,
richly textured poems which challenged their intellect and
renewed their creativity. Still others passed their time in the
silence of total contemplation, looking like illuminated statues
seated in the ancient lotus pose. The Sages of Sivana did not waste
time. Their collective conscience told them that their lives had a
purpose and they had a duty to fulfill.
"This is what Yogi Raman said to me: 'Here in Sivana where
time appears to stand still, you might wonder what a group of
simple, possessionless sages would ever need or hope to achieve.
But achievement need not be of the material sort. Personally, my
objectives are to attain peace of mind, self-mastery and
enlightenment. If I fail to accomplish these goals by the end of my
life, I am certain that I will die feeling unfulfilled and dissatisfied.'"
Julian told me that that was the first time he had heard any of
his teachers in Sivana speak of their own mortality. "And Yogi
Raman sensed this in my expression. 'You need not worry, my
friend. I have already lived past the age of one hundred and have
no plans for a quick exit. My point is simply that when you clearly
know what aims you wish to achieve over the course of your life, be
they material, emotional, physical or spiritual, and you spend your
days accomplishing them, you will ultimately find eternal joy. Your
life will be as delightful as mine — and you will come to know a
splendid reality. But you must know your life's aim and then
manifest this vision into reality by consistent action. We sages call
this Dharma, which is the Sanskrit word for life's purpose."
"Lifelong contentment will come from the fulfillment of my
Dharma?" I asked.
"Most certainly. From Dharma springs inner harmony and
lasting satisfaction. Dharma is based upon the ancient principle that
says every one of us has a heroic mission whilst we walk this Earth.
We have all been granted a unique set of gifts and talents that will
readily allow us to realize this lifework. The key is to discover them,
and in doing so, discover the main objective of your life."
I interrupted Julian, "It's sort of what you were saying earlier
about risk taking."
"Maybe yes, maybe no."
"I don't follow."
"Yes, it may seem as though you are forced to take a few risks
to discover what you are best at and the essence of your life's
purpose. Many people quit jobs that have stifled their progress
the moment they discover the true purpose of their existence.
There is always the apparent risk that comes with selfexamination
and soul searching. But no, because there is never a
risk in discovering yourself and the mission of your life. Selfknowledge
is the DNA of self-enlightenment. It is a very good,
indeed essential thing."
"What is your Dharma, Julian?" I asked casually, attempting
to mask my burning curiosity.
"Mine is simple: to selflessly serve others. Remember, you will
not find true joy in sleeping, in relaxing or in spending your time
like an idler. As Benjamin Disraeli said: 'The secret of success is
constancy of purpose.' The happiness you are searching for comes
through reflecting on the worthy aims you are dedicated to
achieving and then taking action daily to advance them. This is a
direct application of the timeless philosophy which prescribes that
those things which are most important should never be sacrificed
to those things which are the least important. The lighthouse in
Yogi Raman's fable will always remind you of the power of setting
clearly defined, purposeful goals and, most importantly, of having
the character power to act on them."
Over the course of the next few hours, I learned from Julian
that all highly developed, fully actualized people understand the
importance of exploring their talents, uncovering their personal
purpose and then applying their human gifts in the direction of
this calling. Some people selflessly serve humanity as physicians,
others as artists. Some people discover that they are powerful
communicators and become wonderful teachers, whilst others
come to realize that their legacy will be in the form of innovations
in the field of business or science. The key is to have the discipline
and vision to see your heroic mission and to ensure that it serves
other people while you realize it.
"Is this a form of goal-setting?"
"Goal-setting is the starting point. Mapping out your
objectives and your goals releases the creative juices which get
you on to the path of your purpose. Believe it or not, Yogi Raman
and the other sages were very hot on goals."
"You're kidding. Highly effective monks living deep in the
Himalayan mountains who meditate all night and set goals all day.
I love it!"
"John, always judge by results. Look at me. Sometimes I don't
even recognize myself when I look in the mirror. My onceunfulfilling
existence has been replaced by one rich with adventure,
mystery and excitement. I am young again and enjoy vibrant health.
I am truly happy. The wisdom I am sharing with you is so potent and
so important and so life-giving that you simply must stay open to it."
"I am Julian, I really am. Everything you have said makes
perfect sense, although some of the techniques do sound a little
odd. But I have promised to try them and I will. I agree that this
information is powerful."
"If I have seen farther than others, it is simply because I have
stood on the shoulders of great teachers," replied Julian with
humility. "Here's another example. Yogi Raman was an expert
archer, a true master. To illustrate his philosophy on the
importance of setting clearly defined objectives in every aspect of
one's life and fulfilling one's mission, he offered a demonstration I
will never forget.
"Near where we were sitting there was a magnificent oak tree.
The sage pulled one of the roses from the garland he habitually
wore and placed it on the center of the trunk. He then pulled three
objects from the large knapsack that was his constant companion
whenever he ventured to distant mountain climes such as the one
we were visiting. The first object was his favorite bow, made of a
wonderfully fragrant yet sturdy sandalwood. The second item was
an arrow. The third object was a lily-white handkerchief — the
kind I used to wear in the pocket of my expensive suits to impress
judges and juries," Julian added apologetically.
Yogi Raman then asked Julian to put the handkerchief over his
eyes as a blindfold.
"How far away from the rose am I?" Yogi Raman asked his
"One hundred feet," Julian guessed.
"Have you ever observed me in my daily practice of this
ancient sport of archery?" the sage queried, in full knowledge of
the response that would come.
"I have seen you strike the bull's-eye from a mark almost
three hundred feet away and I cannot recall a time that you have
ever missed at your current distance," Julian noted dutifully.
Then, with his eyes covered by the cloth and his feet placed
securely in the earth, the teacher drew the bow with all his energy
and released the arrow — aiming directly at the rose hanging
from the tree. The arrow struck the large oak with a thud, missing
its mark by an embarrassingly large distance.
"I thought you were going to display more of your magical
abilities, Yogi Raman. What happened?"
"We have travelled to this isolated place for one reason only I
have agreed to reveal all my worldly wisdom to you. Today's
demonstration is meant to reinforce my advice on the importance
of setting clearly defined objectives in your life and knowing
precisely where you are going. What you just saw confirms the
most important principle for anyone seeking to attain their goals
and to fulfill their life's purpose: you will never be able to hit a
target that you cannot see. People spend their whole lives
dreaming of becoming happier, living with more vitality and having
an abundance of passion. Yet they do not see the importance of
taking even ten minutes a month to write out their goals and to
think deeply about the meaning of their lives, their Dharma. Goalsetting
will make your life magnificent. Your world will become
richer, more delightful and more magical."
"You see, Julian, our ancestors have taught us that setting
clearly defined objectives for what we desire in our mental,
physical and spiritual world is critical to their realization. In the
world you came from, people set financial and material goals.
There is nothing wrong with this, if this is what you value.
However, to attain self-mastery and inner enlightenment, you
must set concrete objectives in other areas as well. Would it
surprise you to know that I have clearly defined objectives with
respect to the peace of mind I desire, the energy I bring to each
day and the love that I offer to all those around me? Goal-setting
is not just for distinguished lawyers such as yourself who reside in
a world full of material attractions. Anyone who wishes to improve
the quality of their inner as well as their outer worlds would do
well to take out a piece of paper and start writing out their life
aims. At the very moment that this is done, natural forces will
come into play which start to transform these dreams into reality."
What I was hearing fascinated me. When I was a football
player in high school, my coach had constantly spoken of the
importance of knowing what we wanted from every game. "Know
your outcome," was his personal creed, and our team wouldn't
dream of stepping onto the playing field without a clear game plan
that would lead us to victory. I wondered why, as I had grown
older, I had never taken the time to develop a game plan for my
own life. Maybe Julian and Yogi Raman had something here.
"What is so special about taking out a sheet of paper and
writing out your goals? How could such a simple act make such a
difference?" I asked.
Julian was delighted. "Your obvious interest inspires me, John.
Enthusiasm is one of the key ingredients for a lifetime of successful
living and I am glad to see that you still have every ounce of yours.
Earlier I taught you that we each think about 60,000 thoughts on
an average day. By writing out your desires and goals on a piece of
paper, you send a red flag to your subconscious mind that these
thoughts are far more important than the remaining 59,999 other
ones. Your mind will then start to seek out all opportunities to
realize your destiny like a guided missile. It is really a very
scientific process. Most of us are simply not aware of it."
"A few of my partners are big on goal-setting. Come to think
of it, they are the most financially successful people I know. But I
don't think they are the most balanced," I observed.
"Perhaps they are not setting the right goals. You see, John,
life pretty much gives you what you ask from it. Most people want
to feel better, have more energy or live with greater satisfaction.
Yet, when you ask them to tell you precisely what it is they want,
they have no answer. You change your life the moment you set
your goals and start to seek out your Dharma," Julian said, his
eyes sparkling with the truth of his words.
"Have you ever met someone with a strange name and then
started to notice that name appearing everywhere: in newspapers,
on the television or at the office? Or have you ever become
interested in a new subject, let's say fly fishing, and then noticed
that you couldn't go anywhere without hearing about the wonders
of fly fishing? This is but one illustration of the ageless principle
Yogi Raman called joriki, which I have since learned means
'concentrated mind.' Concentrate every ounce of your mental
energy on self-discovery. Learn what you excel at and what makes
you happy. Maybe you are practicing law but are really meant to
be a school teacher, given your patience and love of teaching.
Perhaps you are a frustrated painter or sculptor. Whatever it is,
find your passion and then follow it."
"Now that I really think about it, it would be sad to reach the
end of my life without realizing that I had some special genius that
would have unlocked my potential and helped others — even in a
small way."
"That's right. So from this moment onwards, be acutely aware
of your aim in life. Awaken your mind to the abundance of
possibility around you. Start to live with more zest. The human
mind is the world's largest filtering device. When used properly it
filters out what you perceive as unimportant and gives you only
the information you are looking for at that time. At this very
moment, as we sit here in your living room, there are hundreds if
not thousands of things going on that we are not paying any
attention to. There is the sound of the lovers giggling as they stroll
along the boardwalk, the goldfish in the tank behind you, the cool
air being blown from the air conditioner and even the beat of my
own heart. The moment I decide to concentrate on my heartbeat,
I start to notice its rhythm and its qualities. Similarly, when you
decide to start concentrating your mind on your life's main aims,
your mind starts to filter out the unimportant and focus only on
the important."
"To tell you the truth, I think it's about time I discovered my
purpose," I said. "Don't get me wrong, there are a lot of great
things in my life. But it isn't as rewarding as I think it could be. If
I left this world today, I really can't say for sure that I've made
that big a difference."
"How does that make you feel?"
"Depressed," I offered with total honesty. "I know I have
talent. Actually, I was one heck of a good artist when I was
younger. That was until the legal profession beckoned with the
promise of a more stable life."
"Do you ever wish you had made painting your profession?"
"I really haven't given it much thought. But I will say one
thing. When I painted I was in Heaven."
"It really fired you up, didn't it?"
"Absolutely. I lost track of time when I was in the studio
painting. I would get lost in the canvas. It was a real release for
me. It was almost as if I transcended time and moved into another
"John, this is the power of concentrating your mind on a
pursuit that you love. Goethe said that 'we are shaped and
fashioned by what we love.' Maybe your Dharma is to brighten the
world with lovely scenes. At least start spending a little time
painting every day."
"How about applying this philosophy to things less esoteric
than changing my life?" I asked with a grin.
"This should be good." Julian replied. "Like what?"
"Let's say one of my aims, although a minor one, was to drop the
spare tire I am carrying around my waist. Where would I start?"
"Don't be embarrassed. You master the art of goal-setting —
and goal getting — by starting off small."
"The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step?" I
asked intuitively.
"Precisely. And getting good at accomplishing little feats
prepares you for realizing the big ones. So, to answer your question
squarely, there is nothing wrong with mapping out a full range of
smaller goals in the process of planning your bigger ones."
Julian told me that the Sages of Sivana had created a five-step
method to reach their objectives and fulfill the purposes of their
lives. It was simple, practical and it worked. The first step was to
form a clear mental image of the outcome. If this was to lose
weight, Julian told me that every morning just after I woke up, I
was to envision myself as a lean, fit person, full of vitality and
boundless energy. The clearer this mental picture, the more
effective the process would be. He said that the mind was the
ultimate treasure house of power and this simple act of "picturing"
my goal would open the gateway to the actualization of this desire.
Step two was to get some positive pressure on myself
"The main reason people do not follow through on any
resolutions they make is that it is too easy to slip back into their
old ways. Pressure is not always a bad thing. Pressure can inspire
you to achieve great ends. People generally achieve magnificent
things when their backs are up against the wall and they are
forced to tap into the wellspring of human potential that lies
within them."
"How can I create this 'positive pressure' on myself?" I asked,
now thinking about the possibilities of applying this method to
everything from getting up earlier to being a more patient and
loving father.
"There are a whole host of ways to do this. One of the best is
the public pledge. Tell everyone you know that you will lose the
excess weight or write that novel or whatever your goal might be.
Once you make your goal known to the world, there will instantly
be pressure on you to work towards its fulfillment since no one
likes to look like a failure. In Sivana, my teachers used more
dramatic means to create this positive pressure I speak of. They
would declare to one another that if they did not follow through on
their commitments, such as fasting for a week or getting up daily
at 4:00 a.m. to meditate, they would go down to the icy waterfall
and stand under it until their arms and legs went numb. This is an
extreme illustration of the power that pressure can exert on the
building of good habits and the attainment of goals."
"'Extreme' might be an understatement, Julian. What a
bizarre ritual!"
"Extremely effective though. The point is simply that when
you train your mind to associate pleasure with good habits and
punishment with bad ones, your weaknesses will quickly fall by
the wayside."
"You said there were five steps to follow to make my desires
come true." I said impatiently. "What are the remaining three?"
"Yes, John. Step one is to have a clear vision of your outcome.
Step two is to create positive pressure to keep you inspired. The
third step is a simple one: never set a goal without attaching a
timeline to it. To breathe life into a goal you must attach a precise
deadline to it. It's just like when you are preparing cases for court;
you always focus your attention on the ones the judge has
scheduled to be heard tomorrow rather than on the ones without
any court date.
"Oh, and by the way," explained Julian, "remember that a goal
that is not committed to paper is no goal at all. Go out and buy a
journal — a cheap coil notepad will do. Call this your Dream Book
and fill it with all your desires, objectives and dreams. Get to know
yourself and what you are all about."
"Don't I already know myself?"
"Most people don't. They have never taken the time to know
their strengths, their weaknesses, their hopes, their dreams. The
Chinese define image in these terms: there are three mirrors that
form a person's reflection; the first is how you see yourself, the
second is how others see you and the third mirror reflects the
truth. Know yourself, John. Know the truth.
"Divide your Dream Book into separate sections for goals
relating to the different areas of your life. For example you might
have sections for your physical fitness goals, your financial goals,
your personal empowerment goals, your relationship and social
goals and, perhaps most importantly, your spiritual goals."
"Hey, that sounds like fun! I've never thought about doing
something as creative as that for myself I really should start
challenging myself more," I said.
"I agree. Another particularly effective technique I learned is
to fill your Dream Book with pictures of the things you desire and
images of people who have cultivated the abilities, talents and
qualities that you hope to emulate. Getting back to you and your
'spare tire,' if you want to lose weight and be in outstanding
physical shape, paste a picture of a marathon runner or an elite
athlete in your Dream Book. If you want to be the world's finest
husband, why not clip out a picture of someone who represents this
— perhaps your father — and put it into your journal in the
relationship section. If you are dreaming of a mansion by the sea
or a sports car, find an inspiring picture of these objects and use
them for your book of dreams. Then review this book daily, even
for a few minutes. Make it your friend. The results will startle you."
"This is pretty revolutionary stuff, Julian. I mean, though these
ideas have been around for centuries, everybody I know today
could improve the quality of their daily lives by applying even a few
of them. My wife would love to have a Dream Book. She'd probably
fill it with pictures of me without my notorious belly."
"It's really not that big," Julian suggested in a consoling tone.
"Then why does Jenny call me Mr. Donut?" I said, breaking
into a broad smile.
Julian started to laugh. I had to follow. Soon the two of us were
howling on the floor.
"I guess if you can't laugh at yourself who can you laugh at?"
I said, still giggling.
"Very true, my friend. When I was chained to my former
lifestyle, one of my main problems was that I took life too
seriously. Now I am much more playful and childlike. I enjoy all of
life's gifts, no matter how small they are."
"But I have digressed. I have so much to tell you and it is all
flowing out of me at once."
"Back to the five-step method to attain your aims and realize
your goals. Once you have formed a clear mental picture of your
outcome, created a little pressure behind it, set a deadline and
committed it to paper, the next step is to apply what Yogi Raman
called The Magic Rule of 21. The learned men and women of his
world believed that, for new behavior to crystallize into a habit,
one had to perform the new activity for twenty-one days in a row."
"What's so special about twenty-one days?"
"The sages were absolute masters of creating new, more
rewarding habits which governed the conduct of their lives. Yogi
Raman once told me that a bad habit once acquired could never be
"But all evening you have been inspiring me to change the way
I live my life. How can I possibly do this if I can never erase any of
my bad habits?"
"I said that bad habits can never be erased. I did not say that
negative habits could not be replaced," Julian noted with precision.
"Oh Julian, you always were the King of Semantics. But I
think I see your point."
"The only way to permanently install a new habit is to direct so
much energy toward it that the old one slips away like an
unwelcome house guest. The installation is generally complete in
about twenty-one days, the time it takes to create a new neural
"Say I wanted to start practicing the Heart of the Rose
technique to erase the worry habit and live at a more peaceful
pace. Do I have to do it at the same time every day?"
"Good question. The first thing I will tell you is that you never
have to do anything. Everything I am sharing with you tonight I
am offering as a friend who is genuinely interested in your growth
and development. Every strategy, tool and technique has been
tested over time for effectiveness and measurable results. This I
assure you. And though my heart tells me that I should implore
you to try all of the methods of the sages, my conscience tells me
to simply follow my duty and share the wisdom with you, leaving
its implementation up to you. My point is this: never do anything
because you have to. The only reason to do something is because
you want to and because you know it is the right thing for you to do."
"Sounds reasonable, Julian. Don't worry, I haven't felt for even
a moment that you were forcing any of this information down my
throat. Anyway, the only thing that could ever be forced down my
throat these days would be a box of donuts — and that wouldn't
take much," I quipped.
Julian smiled gingerly. "Thanks pal. Now to answer your
question, my suggestion is that you try the Heart of the Rose
method at the same time every day and in the same place, every
day. There is tremendous power in a ritual. Sports stars who eat
the same meal or tie their shoes the same way before the big game
are tapping into the power of ritual. Members of a church who
perform the same rites, wear the same robes, are using the power
of ritual. Even business people who walk the same route or talk
the same talk before a big presentation are applying the power of
ritual. You see, when you insert any activity into your routine by
doing it the same way at the same time every day, it quickly grows
into a habit."
"For example, most people will do the same thing upon waking
up, without giving any thought to what they are doing. They open
their eyes, get out of bed, walk to the bathroom and start brushing
their teeth. So, staying with your goal for a period of twenty-one
days, and performing the new activity at the same time for each of
these days, will insert it into your routine. Soon you will be
performing the new habit, whether it is meditation, getting up
earlier or reading for an hour every day, with the same ease that
you feel while brushing your teeth."
"The final step for attaining goals and advancing along the
path of purpose?"
"The final step in the sages' method is one that is equally
applicable as you advance along the path of your life."
"My cup is still empty," I said respectfully.
"Enjoy the process. The Sages of Sivana often spoke of this
philosophy. They truly believed that a day without laughter or a
day without love was a day without life."
"I'm not sure I follow you."
"All I'm saying is make sure that you have fun while you are
advancing along the path of your goals and purpose. Never forget
the importance of living with unbridled exhilaration. Never
neglect to see the exquisite beauty in all living things. Today and
this very moment that you and I are sharing is a gift. Remain
spirited, joyful and curious. Stay focused on your lifework and on
giving selfless service to others. The Universe will take care of
everything else. This is one of nature's truest laws."
"And never regret what has happened in the past?"
"Exactly. There is no chaos in this Universe. There is a
purpose for everything that has ever happened to you, and
everything that will happen to you. Remember what I told you,
John. Every experience offers lessons. So stop majoring in minor
things. Enjoy your life."
"Is that it?"
"I still have much wisdom to share with you. Are you tired?"
"Not in the least. Actually I feel pretty pumped up. You are
quite the motivator, Julian. Have you ever thought about an
infomercial?" I asked mischievously.
"I don't understand," he replied gently.
"Never mind. Just one of my feeble attempts at humor."
"Okay. Before we move along with Yogi Raman's fable, there is
one last point about reaching your goals and your dreams that I
would like to impress on you."
"Go for it."
"There is one word which the sages spoke of in almost
reverential terms."
"Do tell."
"This simple word seemed to carry a depth of meaning for
them and it peppered their daily talk. The word I am speaking of is
passion, and it is a word you must constantly keep at the forefront
of your mind as you follow your mission and attain your goals. A
burning sense of passion is the most potent fuel for your dreams.
Here, in our society we have lost our passion. We do not do things
because we love to do them. We do things because we feel we have
to do them. This is a formula for misery. And I am not speaking of
romantic passion, although this is another ingredient for a
successful, inspired existence. What I am talking about is a passion
for life. Reclaim the joy of waking up every morning, full of energy
and exhilaration. Breathe the fire of passion into all that you do.
You will quickly reap great material, as well as spiritual, rewards."
"You make it sound so easy."
"It is. From tonight onwards, take complete control of your
life. Decide, once and for all, to be the master of your fate. Run
your own race. Discover your calling and you will start to
experience the ecstacy of an inspired life. Finally, always
remember that what lies behind you and what lies in front of you
is nothing when compared to what lies within you."
"Thanks Julian. I really needed to hear this. I never realized
all that was lacking in my life until tonight. I have been wandering
aimlessly through it, lacking a real purpose. Things are going to
change. I promise you. I am grateful for this."
"You're welcome, my friend. I'm simply fulfilling my purpose."

The Ancient Art of

Good people strengthen themselves ceaselessly.
"Time is passing quickly," said Julian before pouring himself
another cup of tea. "The morning will soon be upon us. Do you
want me to continue or have you had enough for one night?"
There was no way that I was going to let this man, who held
such gems of wisdom within his grasp, stop without completing his
story. At the outset, his tale seemed fantastic. But as I listened to
him, as I absorbed the ageless philosophy that had been bestowed
upon him, I came to believe deeply in what he was saying. These
were not the superficial self-serving ruminations of some two-bit
huckster. Julian was the real thing. He clearly walked his talk. And
his message rang true. I trusted him.
"Please continue, Julian, I have all the time in the world. The
kids are sleeping at their grandparents' house tonight, and Jenny
won't be up for hours."
Sensing my sincerity, he continued with the symbolic fable that
Yogi Raman had offered him to illustrate his wisdom on cultivating
a richer, more radiant life.
"I have told you that the garden represents the fertile garden
of your mind, a garden that is filled with delightful treasures and
boundless riches. I have also spoken of the lighthouse and how it
represents the power of goals and the importance of discovering
your calling in life. You will recall that as the fable continues, the
door of the lighthouse slowly opens and out walks a nine-foot-tall,
nine-hundred-pound Japanese sumo wrestler."
"Sounds like a bad Godzilla movie."
"I used to love those when I was a kid."
"Me too. But don't let me distract you," I replied.
"The sumo wrestler represents a very important element in
the life-changing system of the Sages of Sivana. Yogi Raman told
me that many centuries ago in the ancient East, the great teachers
developed and refined a philosophy called kaizen. This Japanese
word means constant and never-ending improvement. And it's the
personal trademark of every man and woman who is living a
soaring, fully awakened existence."
"How did the concept of kaizen enrich the lives of the sages?"
I asked.
"As I mentioned earlier, John, success on the outside begins
with success on the inside. If you really want to improve your outer
world, whether this means your health, your relationships or your
finances, you must first improve your inner world. The most
effective way to do this is through the practice of continuous selfimprovement.
Self-mastery is the DNA of life mastery."
"Julian, I hope you don't mind me saying it, but all this talk
about one's 'inner world' sounds more than a little esoteric to me.
Remember, I'm just a middle-class lawyer from the leafy suburbs
with a minivan sitting in the driveway and a Lawn-Boy in the
"Look. Everything you have told me so far makes sense. As a
matter of fact, much of what you have shared with me appears to
be common sense, although I know that common sense is anything
but common in this day and age. I must tell you though, I'm having
a little difficulty with this notion of kaizen and improving my inner
world. What exactly are we talking about here?"
Julian was agile in his response. "In our society, we all too
often label the ignorant as weak. However, those who express
their lack of knowledge and seek instruction find the path to
enlightenment before anyone else. Your questions are honest and
show me that you are open to fresh ideas. Change is the most
powerful force in our society today. Most people fear it, the wise
embrace it. Zen tradition speaks of a beginner's mind: those who
keep their minds open to new concepts — those whose cups are
always empty — will always move to higher levels of achievement
and fulfillment. Never be reluctant to ask even the most basic of
questions. Questions are the most effective method of eliciting
"Thanks. But I still am unclear about kaizen."
"When I speak of improving your inner world, I am simply
speaking of self-improvement and personal expansion and it is the
best thing you can do for yourself. You might think that you are too
busy to spend time working on yourself. This would be a very big
mistake. You see, when you have taken the time to build a strong
character full of discipline, energy, power and optimism, you can
have anything and do anything you want in your outer world.
When you have cultivated a deep sense of faith in your abilities and
an indomitable spirit, nothing can stop you from succeeding in all
your pursuits and living with great rewards. Taking the time to
master your mind, to care for the body and to nourish your soul
will put you in a position to develop more richness and vitality in
your life. It is as Epictetus said so many years ago: 'No man is free
who is not a master of himself.'"
"So kaizen is actually a very practical concept."
"Very. Think about it, John. How could a person possibly lead
a corporation if he cannot even lead himself? How could you
nurture a family if you haven't learned to nurture and care for
yourself? How could you possibly do good if you don't even feel
good? Do you see my point?"
I nodded in full agreement. This was the first time I had given
any serious thought to the importance of improving myself. I had
always thought that all those people I would see on the subway
reading books with titles like The Power of Positive Thinking or
MegaLiving! were troubled souls desperate for some form of
medicine to get them back on course. Now I realized that those
who took the time to strengthen themselves were the strongest
and that it was only through improving one's self that one could
ever hope to improve the lot of others. I then started to reflect on
all the things I could improve. I really could use the added energy
and good health that exercising would surely bring. Ridding
myself of my nasty temper and my habit of interrupting others
might do wonders for my relationship with my wife and kids. And
erasing my worry habit would give me the peace of mind and deep
happiness I had been searching for. The more I thought about it,
the more potential improvements I saw.
As I started to see all the positive things that would flood into
my life through the cultivation of good habits, I grew excited. But
I realized that Julian was talking about far more than the
importance of daily exercise, a healthful diet and a balanced
lifestyle. What he had learned in the Himalayas was deeper and
more meaningful than this. He spoke of the importance of building
strength of character, developing mental toughness and living
with courage. He told me that these three attributes would lead
one not only to a virtuous life but to a life filled with achievement,
satisfaction and inner peace. Courage was a quality everyone
could cultivate and one that would pay huge dividends over the
long run.
"What does courage have to do with self-leadership and
personal development?" I wondered aloud.
"Courage allows you to run your own race. Courage allows you
to do whatever you want to do because you know that it is right.
Courage gives you the self-control to persist where others have
failed. Ultimately, the degree of courage you live with determines
the amount of fulfillment you receive. It allows you to truly realize
all the exquisite wonders of the epic that is your life. And those
who master themselves have an abundance of courage."
"Okay. I am starting to understand the power of working on
myself. Where do I start?"
Julian returned to his conversation with Yogi Raman high atop
the mountains, on what he remembered as a remarkably starry
and gloriously beautiful night.
"Initially, I too had trouble with the notion of selfimprovement.
After all, I was a tough, Harvard-trained legal
gunslinger who had no time for New Age theories forced on me by
what I thought were people with bad haircuts who hung out at
airports. I was wrong. It was this close-mindedness that was
holding my life back all of those years. The more I listened to Yogi
Raman and the more I reflected on the pain and suffering of my
former world, the more I welcomed the philosophy of kaizen,
constant and never-ending enrichment of the mind, body and soul,
into my new life," Julian asserted.
"Why am I hearing so much about the 'mind, body and soul'
these days? It seems I can't even turn on the tube without
someone making mention of it."
"This is the trilogy of your human endowments. To improve
your mind without the cultivation of your physical gifts would be a
very hollow victory. Elevating your mind and body to their highest
level without nurturing your soul would leave you feeling very
empty and unfulfilled. But when you dedicate your energies to
unlocking the full potential of all three of your human
endowments, you will taste the divine ecstacy of an enlightened
"You've got me pretty excited, pal."
"As to your question about where to start, I promise that I will
give you a number of ancient yet powerful techniques in a few
moments. But first I must share a practical illustration with you.
Get into push-up position."
'Good grief, Julian's become a drill sergeant,' I silently
thought. Being curious and wishing to keep my cup empty, I
"Now do as many push-ups as you can possibly do. Don't stop
until you truly are certain that you cannot do any more."
I struggled with the exercise, my two-hundred-and-fifteenpound
frame not being used to much more than walking to the
nearest McDonald's with my kids or meandering through a round
of golf with my law partners. The first fifteen push-ups were pure
agony. With the heat of that summer evening adding to my
discomfort, I started to sweat profusely. However, I was
determined not to show any signs of weakness and carried on until
my vanity started to give way along with my arms. At twentythree
push-ups I gave up.
"No more, Julian. This is killing me. What are you trying to do
"Are you certain that you can't do any more?"
"I'm sure. C'mon, give me a break. The only lesson I'm going
to learn from this is what to do for a heart attack."
"Do ten more. Then you can rest," commanded Julian.
"You've got to be kidding!"
But I continued. One. Two. Five. Eight. And finally ten. I lay
on the floor in total exhaustion.
"I went through precisely the same experience with Yogi
Raman the night he shared his special fable with me," said Julian.
"He told me that pain was a great teacher."
"What could anyone possibly learn from an experience like
this?" I asked breathlessly.
"Yogi Raman, and all of the Sages of Sivana for that matter,
believed that people grow the most when they enter the Zone of
the Unknown."
"Okay. But what does that have to do with making me do all
those push-ups?"
"You told me after you had done twenty-three that you
couldn't do any more. You told me that this was your absolute
limit. Yet, when I challenged you to do more, you responded with
another ten push-ups. You had more inside you and when you
reached for your resources, you received more. Yogi Raman
explained a fundamental truth to me whilst I was his student: 'The
only limits on your life are those that you set yourself.' When you
dare to get out of your circle of comfort and explore the unknown,
you start to liberate your true human potential. This is the first
step towards self-mastery and mastery over every other
circumstance in your life. When you push beyond your limits, just
as you did in this little demonstration, you unlock mental and
physical reserves that you never thought you had."
'Fascinating,' I thought. Come to think of it, I had recently
read in a book that the average person uses only a minute measure
of his human capacity. I wondered what we could do if we started
using the remaining reservoir of our abilities.
Julian sensed he was on a roll.
"You practice the art of kaizen by pushing yourself daily.
Work hard to improve your mind and body. Nourish your spirit.
Do the things you fear. Start to live with unbridled energy and
limitless enthusiasm. Watch the sun rise. Dance in a rain shower.
Be the person you dream of being. Do the things you have always
wanted to do but didn't because you tricked yourself into
believing that you were too young, too old, too rich or too poor.
Prepare to live a soaring, fully alive life. In the East they say that
luck favors the prepared mind. I believe that life favors the
prepared mind."
Julian continued his passionate discourse. "Identify the things
that are holding you back. Are you scared of speaking or do you
have trouble in your relationships? Do you lack a positive attitude
or do you need more energy? Make a written inventory of your
weaknesses. Satisfied people are far more thoughtful than others.
Take the time to reflect on what it is that might be keeping you
from the life you really want and know deep down you can have.
Once you have identified what your weaknesses are, the next step
is to face them head on and attack your fears. If you fear public
speaking, sign up to give twenty speeches. If you fear starting a
new business or getting out of a dissatisfying relationship, muster
every ounce of your inner resolve and do it. This might be the first
taste of real freedom that you have experienced in years. Fear is
nothing more than a mental monster you have created, a negative
stream of consciousness."
"Fear is nothing more than a negative stream of consciousness?
I like that. You mean all my fears are nothing more than imaginary
little gremlins that have crept into my mind over the years?"
"Exactly, John. Every time they have prevented you from
taking some action, you have added fuel to their fire. But when you
conquer your fears, you conquer your life."
"I need an example."
"Sure. Let's take public speaking, an activity most people fear
more than death itself. When I was a litigator, I actually saw
lawyers who were scared of stepping into court. They would do
anything, including settling their client's otherwise worthy cases
just to avoid the pain of getting up on their feet inside a packed
"I've seen them too."
"Do you actually think that they were born with this fear?"
"I sure hope not."
"Study a baby. She has no limits. Her mind is a lush landscape
of potential and possibility. Properly cultivated, it will lead her to
greatness. Filled with negativity, it will lead her to mediocrity, at
best. What I am saying is this: no experience, whether it is public
speaking or asking your boss for a raise or swimming in a sunsoaked
lake or walking along the beach on a moonlit night, is
inherently painful or pleasant. It is your thinking that makes it so."
"A baby could be trained to view a glorious sunny day as
depressing. A child could be trained to see a puppy as a vicious
animal. An adult could be trained to see a drug as a pleasant
vehicle for release. It's all a matter of conditioning, isn't it?"
"The same holds true of fear. Fear is a conditioned response: a
life-sucking habit that can easily consume your energy, creativity
and spirit if you are not careful. When fear rears its ugly head,
beat it down quickly. The best way to do that is to do the thing you
fear. Understand the anatomy of fear. It is your own creation. Like
any other creation, it is just as easy to tear it down as it is to erect
it. Methodically search for and then destroy every fear that has
secretly slid into the fortress of your mind. This alone will give you
enormous confidence, happiness and peace of mind."
"Can a person's mind actually be fully fearless?" I asked.
"Great question. The answer is an unequivocal and emphatic
'Yes!' Each and every one of the Sages of Sivana was absolutely
fearless. You could see it in the way they walked. You could see it
in the way they talked. You could see it when you looked deep into
their eyes and I'll tell you something else, John."
"What," I asked, fascinated by what I was hearing.
"I too am fearless. I know myself and I have come to see that
my natural state is one of indomitable strength and unlimited
potential. It was just that I was blocked by all those years of selfneglect
and unbalanced thinking. I'll tell you another thing. When
you erase fear from your mind, you start to look younger and your
health becomes more vibrant."
'Ah, the old mind-body connection," I replied, hoping to mask
my ignorance.
"Yes. The sages of the East have known about it for over five
thousand years. Hardly 'new age,'" he said, with a broad grin
lighting up his radiant face.
"The sages shared another powerful principle with me which
I think about often. I think it will be invaluable to you as you walk
the path of self-leadership and personal mastery. It has given me
motivation at times when I feel like taking things easy. The
philosophy can be stated succinctly: what sets highly actualized
people apart from those who never live inspired lives is that they
do those things that less developed people don't like doing—even
though they might not like doing them either.
"Truly enlightened people, those who experience deep
happiness daily, are prepared to put off short-term pleasure for
the sake of long-term fulfillment. So they tackle their weaknesses
and fears head on, even if dipping into the zone of the unknown
brings with it a measure of discomfort. They resolve to live by the
wisdom of kaizen, improving every aspect of themselves
ceaselessly and continuously. With time, things that were once
difficult become easy. Fears that once prevented them from all the
happiness, health and prosperity they deserved fall to the wayside
like stickmen toppled by a hurricane."
"So you're suggesting that I must change myself before I
change my life?"
"Yes. It's like that old story my favorite professor told me
when I was in law school. One night a father was relaxing with his
newspaper after a long day at the office. His son, who wanted to
play, kept on pestering him. Finally, fed up, the father ripped out a
picture of the globe that was in the paper and tore it into a
hundred tiny pieces. 'Here son, go ahead and try to put this back
together.' he said, hoping that this would keep the little boy busy
long enough for him to finish reading his paper. To his amazement,
his son returned after only one minute with the globe perfectly
back together. When the startled father asked how he achieved
this feat, the son smiled gently and replied 'Dad, on the other side
of the globe there was a picture of a person, and once I got the
person together, the world was okay.'"
"That's a great story."
"You see John, the wisest people I have ever met, from the
Sages of Sivana to my professors at Harvard Law School, all seem
to know the key formula for happiness."
"Do continue," I said with a hint of impatience.
"It's precisely what I said earlier: happiness comes through the
progressive realization of a worthy objective. When you are doing
what you truly love to do you are bound to find deep contentment."
"If happiness comes to everyone who simply does what they
love doing, why are so many people miserable?"
"Fair point, John. Doing what you love, whether this means
giving up the work you are presently doing to become an actor or
spending less time on those things that are less important to make
time for those things that are more meaningful, requires a great
deal of courage. It requires you to step out of your comfort zone.
And change is always a little uncomfortable at first. It is also more
than a little risky. Having said this, this is the surest way to design
a more joyful life."
"Exactly how does one go about building courage?"
"It's the same as the story: once you get yourself together,
your world will be okay. Once you master your mind, body and
character, happiness and abundance will flow into your life almost
magically. But you must spend some time daily working on
yourself, even if for only ten or fifteen minutes."
"And what does the nine-foot-tall, nine-hundred-pound
Japanese sumo wrestler symbolize in Yogi Raman's fable?"
"Our hefty friend will be your constant reminder of the power
of kaizen, the Japanese word for constant self-expansion and
In just a few hours, Julian had revealed the most powerful —
and the most astonishing — information that I had ever heard in
my lifetime. I had learned of the magic in my own mind and its
treasure trove of potential. I had learned highly practical
techniques to still the mind and focus its power on my desires and
dreams. I had learned the importance of having a definite purpose
in life and of setting clear goals in every aspect of my personal,
professional and spiritual world. Now I had been exposed to the
ageless principle of self-mastery: kaizen.
"How can I practice the art of kaizen?"
"I will give you ten ancient yet supremely effective rituals that
will lead you far along the path of personal mastery. If you apply
them on a daily basis, with faith in their utility, you will observe
remarkable results in just one month from today. If you continue
to apply them, incorporating the techniques into your routine such
that they become habits, you are bound to reach a state of perfect
health, limitless energy, lasting happiness and peace of mind.
Ultimately, you will reach your divine destiny — for this is your
"Yogi Raman offered the ten rituals to me with great faith in
what he termed their 'exquisiteness' and I think you will agree
that I am living proof of their power. I simply ask that you listen
to what I have to say and judge the results for yourself."
"Life-changing results in only thirty days?" I asked in
"Yes. The quid pro quo is that you must set aside at least one
hour a day for thirty consecutive days to practice the strategies I
am about to offer to you. This investment in yourself is all it takes.
And please don't tell me that you don't have the time."
"But I don't," I said honestly. "My practice is really booming. I
don't have ten minutes to myself, let alone a full hour, Julian."
"As I told you, saying that you do not have the time to improve
yourself, whether this means improving your mind or nourishing
your spirit, is much like saying you do not have time to stop for gas
because you are too busy driving. Eventually it will catch up with
"How so?"
"Let me put it this way. You are very much like a highperformance
race car worth millions of dollars; a well-oiled, highly
sophisticated machine."
"Why thank you Julian."
"Your mind is the greatest wonder of the universe and your
body has the capacity to perform feats that might astonish you."
"Knowing the value of this high performance multi-million
dollar machine, would it be wise to run it full out every minute of
every day without taking a pit stop to let the motor cool down?"
"Of course not."
"Well then, why are you not taking some time every day for
your personal pit stop or rest break? Why are you not taking the
time to cool down the high performance engine of your mind? Do
you see my point? Taking the time to renew yourself is the most
important thing you can do. Ironically, taking time out from your
hectic schedule for self-improvement and personal enrichment
will dramatically improve your effectiveness once you get back
into it."
"One hour a day for thirty days is all it takes?"
"It's the magic formula I was always searching for. I would
probably have paid a couple of million dollars for it in my old glory
days, if I had understood its importance. Little did I know that it
was free, as is all priceless knowledge. Having said this, you must
be disciplined and apply the strategies which make up the formula
daily, with utter conviction in their value."
"This is not a quick-fix type deal. Once you are in, you are in it
for the long term."
"What do you mean?"
"Spending one hour a day tending to yourself will surely give
you dramatic results in thirty days — provided you do the right
things. It takes about one month to fully install a new habit. After
this period, the strategies and techniques you will learn will fit like
a second skin. The key is that you must keep on practicing them
every day if you want to keep on seeing the results."
"Fair enough," I agreed. Julian clearly had unlocked a
wellspring of personal vitality and inner serenity in his own life.
Actually, his transformation from a sickly old litigator to a radiant,
energetic philosopher was nothing less than miraculous. At that
moment I resolved to dedicate one hour a day to implementing the
techniques and principles I was about to hear. I decided to work on
improving myself before working to change others, as had been my
habit. Maybe I too could undergo a "Mantle-like" transformation.
It was surely worth a try.
That night, sitting on the floor of my cluttered living room, I
learned what Julian called "The Ten Rituals of Radiant Living."
Some of them required a little concentrated effort on my part.
Others could be performed effortlessly. All were intriguing and
rich with the promise of extraordinary things to come.
"The first strategy was known to the sages as the Ritual of
Solitude. This involves nothing more than ensuring that your daily
schedule includes a mandatory period of peace."
"Just what is a period of peace?"
"It is a period of time, as little as fifteen minutes or as much as
fifty, wherein you explore the healing power of silence and come to
know who you really are," Julian explained.
"Sort of a rest break for that overheated engine of mine?" I
suggested with a slight smile.
"That's a pretty accurate way of looking at it. Have you ever
been on a long road trip with your family?"
"Sure. Every summer we drive down to the islands to spend a
couple of weeks with Jenny's parents."
"Okay. Do you ever make pit-stops along the way?"
"Yes. For food, or if I'm feeling a little sleepy I'll take a quick
nap after having listened to my kids fight in the back seat for six
"Well, think of the Ritual of Solitude as a pit-stop for the soul.
Its purpose is self-renewal and this is accomplished by spending
time alone, immersed in the beautiful blanket of silence."
"What is so special about silence?"
"Good question. Solitude and quiet connects you to your
creative source and releases the limitless intelligence of the
Universe. You see, John, the mind is like a lake. In our chaotic
world, most people's minds are not still. We are full of inner
turbulence. However, by simply taking the time to be still and
quiet every day, the lake of the mind becomes as smooth as a plate
of glass. This inner quietness brings with it a wealth of benefits
including a deep sense of well-being, inner peace and boundless
energy. You will even sleep better and enjoy a renewed feeling of
balance in your day-to-day activities."
"Where should I go for this period of peace?"
"Theoretically, you could do it anywhere, from your bedroom to
your office. The key is to find a place of true quiet — and beauty."
"How does beauty fit into the equation?"
"Beautiful images soothe a ruffled soul," Julian observed with
a deep sigh. "A bouquet of roses or a simple, solitary daffodil will
have a highly salutary effect on your senses and relax you no end.
Ideally, you should savor such beauty in a space that will serve as
a Sanctuary of the Self."
"What's that?"
"Basically, it is a place that will become your secret forum for
mental and spiritual expansion. This might be a spare room in
your house or simply a peaceful corner of a small apartment. The
point is to reserve a spot for your renewal activities, a place that
sits there quietly awaiting your arrival."
"I love the sound of that. I think having a silent place to go to
when I come home from work would make a world of difference. I
could decompress for a while and let go of the stresses of the day
It would probably make me a much nicer person to be around."
"That brings up another important point. The Ritual of
Solitude works best when you practice it at the same time every
"Because then it becomes integrated into your routine as a
ritual. By practicing it at the same time every day, a daily dose of
silence will soon become a habit that you will never neglect. And
positive life habits inevitably guide you to your destiny."
"Anything else?"
"Yes. If at all possible, commune with nature daily. A quick
walk through the woods or even a few minutes spent cultivating
your tomato garden in the backyard will reconnect you to the
wellspring of calm that may now be dormant within you. Being
with nature also allows you to tune in to the infinite wisdom of your
highest self. This self-knowledge will move you into the uncharted
dimensions of your personal power. Never forget this," advised
Julian, his voice rising with passion.
"Has this ritual worked well for you, Julian?"
"Absolutely. I rise with the sun and the first thing I do is head
off to my secret sanctuary. There I explore the Heart of the Rose
for as long as need be. Some days I spend hours in quiet
contemplation. On other days I spend only ten minutes. The result
is more or less the same: a deep sense of inner harmony and an
abundance of physical energy. Which brings me to the second
ritual. This is the Ritual of Physicality."
"Sounds interesting. What's it about?"
"It's about the power of physical care."
"It's simple. The Ritual of Physicality is based on the principle
that says as you care for the body so you care for the mind. As you
prepare your body, so you prepare your mind. As you train your
body, so you train your mind. Take some time every single day to
nourish the temple of your body through vigorous exercise. Get
your blood circulating and your body moving. Did you know that
there are 168 hours in a week?"
"No, not really."
"It's true. At least five of those hours should be invested in
some form of physical activity. The Sages of Sivana practiced the
ancient discipline of yoga to awaken their physical potential and
live a strong, dynamic existence. It was an extraordinary sight to
see these marvellous physical specimens who had managed to
age-proof their lives standing on their heads in the center of their
"Have you tried yoga, Julian? Jenny started practicing it last
summer and says it has added five years to her life."
"There is no one strategy that will magically transform your
life, John, let me be the first to say this. Lasting and profound
change comes through the continued application of a number of
the methods I have shared with you. But yoga is an extremely
effective way to unlock your reserves of vitality. I do my yoga
every morning and it is one of the best things that I do for myself.
It not only rejuvenates my body, it completely focuses my mind. It
has even unblocked my creativity. It is a terrific discipline."
"Did the sages do anything else to care for their bodies?"
"Yogi Raman and his brothers and sisters also believed that
vigorous walking in natural surroundings, whether high on the
mountain paths or deep in the lush forests, worked wonders for
relieving fatigue and restoring the body to its natural state of
vibrancy. When the weather was too harsh to walk, they would
exercise within the security of their huts. They might miss a meal
but they would never miss their daily round of exercise."
"What did they have in their huts? NordicTrack machines?" I
"Not quite. Sometimes they would practice yoga postures.
Other times I would catch a glimpse of them doing a set or two of
one-handed push-ups. I really think it didn't matter too much to
them what they did, so long as they moved their bodies and got the
fresh air of their breath-taking surroundings flowing through
their lungs."
"What does breathing fresh air have to do with anything?"
"I'll answer your question with one of Yogi Raman's favorite
sayings, 'To breathe properly is to live properly.'"
"Breathing is that important?" I asked in surprise.
"Quite early on in Sivana, the sages taught me that the fastest
way to double or even triple the amount of energy I had was to
learn the art of effective breathing."
"But don't we all know how to breathe, even a newborn baby?"
"Not really, John. While most of us know how to breathe to
survive, we have never learned how to breathe to thrive. Most of
us breathe far too shallowly and in so doing, we fail to take in
enough oxygen to run the body at an optimal level."
"Sounds like proper breathing involves a lot of science."
"It does. And the sages treated it that way. Their philosophy
was simple: take in more oxygen through efficient breathing and
you liberate your energy reserves along with your natural state of
"Okay so where do I start?"
"It's actually pretty easy. Two or three times a day take a minute
or two to think about breathing more deeply and effectively."
"How do I know if I'm breathing effectively?"
"Well, your belly should move out slightly. This indicates that
you are breathing from the abdomen, which is good. A trick that
Yogi Raman taught me was to cup my hands over my stomach. If
they moved out as I inhaled, my breathing technique was proper."
"Very interesting."
"If you like that, then you will love the Third Ritual of Radiant
Living," said Julian.
"Which is?"
"The Ritual of Live Nourishment. In my days as a litigator, I
lived off of a steady diet of steaks, fries and other types of junk
food. Sure I ate at the finest restaurants in the country, but I still
filled my body with junk. I didn't know it at the time, but this was
one of the main sources of my discontent."
"Yes. A poor diet has a pronounced effect on your life. It drains
your mental and physical energy. It affects your moods and it
hampers the clarity of your mind. Yogi Raman put it this way: 'As
you nourish your body, so you nourish your mind.'"
"I assume then that you changed your diet?"
"Radically. And it made an amazing difference in the way I felt
and looked. I always thought that I was so run down because of
the stresses and strains of my work and because the wrinkled
fingers of old age were reaching out for me. In Sivana, I learned
that much of my lethargy was due to the low-octane fuel I was
pumping into my body."
"What did the Sages of Sivana eat to stay so youthful and
"Live foods," came the efficient reply.
"Live foods are the answer. Live foods are foods that are not
"C'mon, Julian. What are live foods?" I asked impatiently.
"Basically, live foods are those which are created through the
natural interaction of the sun, air, soil and water. What I'm talking
about here is a vegetarian diet. Fill your plate with fresh
vegetables, fruits and grains and you might just live forever."
"Is that possible?"
"Most of the sages were well over one hundred and they
showed no signs of slowing down, and just last week I read in the
paper about a group of people living on the tiny island of Okinawa
in the East China Sea. Researchers are flocking to the island
because they are fascinated by the fact that it holds the largest
concentration of centenarians in the world."
"What have they learned?"
"That a vegetarian diet is one of their main longevity secrets."
"But is this type of diet healthy? You wouldn't think that it
would give you much strength. Remember, I'm still a busy
litigator, Julian."
"This is the diet that nature intended. It is alive, vital and
supremely healthy. The sages have lived by this diet for many
thousands of years. They call it a sattvic, or pure diet. And as to
your concern about strength, the most powerful animals on the
planet, ranging from gorillas to elephants, wear the badge of
proud vegetarians. Did you know that a gorilla has about thirty
times the strength of a man?"
"Thanks for that important tidbit of information."
"Look, the sages are not extreme people. All of their wisdom
was based on the ageless principle that 'one must live a life of
moderation and do nothing to extremes.' So if you like meat, you
can certainly keep eating it. Just remember that you are ingesting
dead food. If you can, cut back on the amount of red meat that you
eat. It is really hard to digest and since your digestive system is
one of the most energy-consuming processes of your entire body,
valuable energy reserves are needlessly depleted by this foodstuff.
Do you see what I'm getting at? Just compare how you feel after
eating a steak with your energy levels after eating a salad. If you
don't want to become a strict vegetarian, at least start having a
salad with every meal and fruit for dessert. Even this will make a
huge difference in the quality of your physical life."
"That doesn't seem like it would be too hard to do," I replied.
"I've been hearing a lot about the power of a largely vegetarian
diet. Just last week, Jenny told me about a study in Finland where
it was found that thirty-eight percent of new vegetarians studied
reported that they felt far less tired and much more alert after
only seven months of this new way of life. I should try eating a
salad with every meal. Looking at you, Julian, I might even make
the salad the meal."
"Try it for about a month and judge the results for yourself
You will feel phenomenal."
"Okay. If it's good enough for the sages, it's good enough for
me. I promise you I will give it a shot. It doesn't sound like too
much of a stretch, and anyway I'm getting pretty tired of firing up
the barbeque every night."
"If I have sold you on the Ritual of Live Nourishment, I think
you will love the fourth one."
"Your student is still holding his empty cup."
"The fourth ritual is known as the Ritual of Abundant
Knowledge. It centers around the whole notion of lifelong learning
and expanding your knowledge base for the good of yourself and
all those around you."
"The old 'knowledge is power' idea?"
"It involves far more than that, John. Knowledge is only
potential power. For the power to be manifested, it must be
applied. Most people know what they should do in any given
situation, or in their lives for that matter. The problem is that they
don't take daily, consistent action to apply the knowledge and
realize their dreams. The Ritual of Abundant Knowledge is all
about becoming a student of life. Even more importantly, it
requires that you use what you have learned in the classroom of
your existence."
"What did Yogi Raman and the other sages do to live this
"They had many sub-rituals which they performed on a daily
basis as a tribute to the Ritual of Abundant Knowledge. One of the
most important strategies is also one of the easiest. You can even
start doing it today."
"It won't take up too much time, will it?"
Julian smiled. "These techniques, tools and tips I am sharing
with you will make you more productive and effective than you
have ever been. Don't be penny wise, pound foolish."
"Say what?"
"Consider those who say that they do not have the time to back
up their computers because they are too busy working on them.
Yet, when those machines crash and months of important work is
lost, they regret not investing a few moments a day in saving it. Do
you see my point?"
"Get my priorities straight?"
"Exactly. Try not to live your life bound by the shackles of your
schedule. Instead, focus on those things that your conscience and
your heart tell you to do. When you invest in yourself and start to
devote yourself to raising your mind, body and character to their
highest levels, you will almost feel as if you have a personal
navigator inside you, telling you which things you must do to see
the greatest and most rewarding results. You will stop worrying
about your clock and start living your life."
"Point well taken. So what was that simple sub-ritual you were
about to teach me?" I asked.
"Read regularly. Reading for thirty minutes a day will do
wonders for you. But I must caution you. Do not read just
anything. You must be very selective about what you put into the
lush garden of your mind. It must be immensely nourishing.
Make it something that will improve both you and the quality of
your life."
"What did the sages read?"
"They spent many of their waking moments reading and rereading
the ancient teachings of their ancestors. They devoured
this philosophical literature. I still remember seeing these
wonderful looking people seated on little bamboo chairs reading
their strangely bound books with the subtle smiles of
enlightenment unfolding across their lips. It was in Sivana that I
really learned the power of the book and the principle that a book
is the best friend of the wise."
"So I should start reading every good book I can get my
hands on?"
"Yes and no," came the reply. "I would never tell you not to
read as many books as you can. But remember, some books are
meant to be tasted, some books are meant to be chewed and,
finally, some books are meant to be swallowed whole. Which
brings me to another point."
"You're feeling hungry?"
"No, John," Julian laughed. "I simply want to tell you that to
truly get the best out of a great book, you must study it, not just
read it. Go through it as you do when you read those contracts your
big clients bring to you for your legal opinion. Really consider it,
work with it, become one with it. The sages would read many of the
books of wisdom in their vast library ten or fifteen times. They
treated great books as scriptures, holy documents of divine origin."
"Wow. Reading is really that important?"
"Thirty minutes a day will make a delightful difference in your
life because you will quickly start to see the vast reserves of
knowledge available for your use. Every answer to every problem
you have ever faced is in print. If you want to be a better lawyer,
father, friend or lover, there are books out there that will rocket you
to those goals. All the mistakes you will ever make in your life have
already been made by those that have walked before you. Do you
really think that the challenges you are facing are unique to you?"
"I've never thought about it, Julian. But I see what you are
saying, and I know you are right."
"All the problems anyone has ever, and will ever face over the
course of their lifetime have already been made," Julian asserted.
"More importantly, the answers and solutions are all recorded on
the pages of books. Read the right books. Learn how those who
have preceded you have handled the challenges you are currently
facing. Apply their strategies for success and you will be
astonished by the improvements you will note in your life."
"What exactly are 'the right books?'" I asked, quickly realizing
that Julian's point was an excellent one.
"I'll leave that to your good judgment my friend. Personally,
since I have returned from the East, I spend the better part of my
days reading biographies of the men and women I have come to
admire and a great deal of the wisdom of literature."
"Any titles you could recommend to an eager young beaver?"
I said, flashing a broad grin.
"Sure. You will thrive on the biography of the great American,
Benjamin Franklin. I think you will also find much growth impetus
from Mahatma Gandhi's autobiography entitled The Story of My
Experiments with Truth. I also suggest that you read Siddhartha
by Hermann Hesse, the highly practical philosophy of Marcus
Aurelius and some of the work of Seneca. You might even read
Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill. I read it last week and
thought it was very profound."
"Think and Grow Rich!" I exclaimed. "But I thought you left
all of that behind you after your heart attack. I'm really sick and
tired of all the 'make-money-fast manuals' that are being peddled
out there by snake-oil salesmen preying on the weak."
"Easy, big fella! I couldn't agree with you more," offered
Julian with all the warmth and patience of a wise, loving
grandfather. "I too want to restore the character ethic to our
society. That little book is not about making a lot of money, it is
about making a lot of life. I will be the first to tell you that there is
a huge difference between well-being and being well off. I've lived
it and know the pain of a money-driven life. Think and Grow Rich
is about abundance, including spiritual abundance, and how to
attract all that is good into your life. You might do well to read it.
But I will not press the point."
"Sorry Julian, I didn't mean to sound like an aggressive
litigator," I offered apologetically. "I guess my temper gets the
better of me sometimes. One more thing I need to improve. I
really am grateful for all that you are sharing with me."
"No problem, water under the bridge. My point simply is read
and keep reading. Do you want to know something else
"It's not what you will get out of the books that is so enriching
— it is what the books will get out of you that will ultimately
change your life. You see, John, books do not actually teach you
anything new."
"Really. Books simply help you to see what is already within
your self. That's what enlightenment is all about. After all my
journeying and exploring I found that I have actually come full
circle back to the point from which I started as a young boy. But
now I know myself and all that I am and can be.
"So the Ritual of Abundant Knowledge is all about reading and
exploring the wealth of information out there?"
"Partly. For now, read thirty minutes a day. The rest will come
naturally," Julian said with a hint of mystery.
"Okay, what's the Fifth Ritual of Radiant Living?"
"It is the Ritual of Personal Reflection. The sages were firm
believers in the power of inner contemplation. By taking the time
to get to know yourself, you will connect to a dimension of your
being that you never knew you had."
"Sounds pretty deep."
"It's actually a very practical concept. You see, we all have
many sleeping talents inside of us. By taking the time to get to
know them, we kindle them. However, silent contemplation will
deliver even more than this. This practice will make you stronger,
more at ease with yourself and wiser. It is a very rewarding use of
your mind."
"I'm still a little fuzzy on the concept, Julian."
"Fair enough. It was also foreign to me when I first heard it.
Boiled down to its basic form, personal reflection is nothing more
than the habit of thinking."
"But don't we all think? Isn't that part of being human?"
"Well, most of us do think. The problem is that most people
think just enough to survive. What I am speaking about with this
ritual is thinking enough to thrive. When you read Ben Franklin's
biography you will see what I mean. Every evening, after a full day
of productive work, he would retire to a silent corner of his home
and reflect on his day. He would consider all of his actions and
whether they were positive and constructive or whether they were
of the negative sort, in need of repair. By clearly knowing what he
was doing wrong in his days, he could take immediate steps to
improve and advance along the path of self-mastery. The sages did
the same. Every night, they would retire to the sanctuary of their
huts covered by fragrant rose petals and sit in deep contemplation.
Yogi Raman would actually take a written inventory of his day."
"What kinds of things would he write down?" I asked.
"First he would list all of his activities, from the personal care
activities of his morning to his interactions with the other sages to
his forays into the forest in search of firewood and fresh food.
Interestingly, he would also write down the thoughts he had run
through his mind during that particular day."
"Isn't that hard to do? I can hardly remember what I thought
five minutes ago let alone twelve hours ago."
"Not if you practice this ritual daily. You see, anyone can attain
the kind of results I have attained. Anyone. The real problem is
that too many people suffer from that dreadful disease known as
"I think I might have contracted that one in the past," I said in
full knowledge of what my wise friend was saying.
"Stop making excuses and just do it!" Julian exclaimed, his
voice resonating with the strength of conviction.
"Do what?"
"Take the time to think. Get into the regular habit of personal
introspection. Once Yogi Raman had listed all that he had done and
all that he had thought in one column, he would then do an
assessment in another column. As he was confronted by his
activities and thoughts in the written form, he asked himself
whether they were positive in nature. If they were, he resolved to
continue giving his precious energy to them, as they would pay
huge dividends in the long run."
"And if they were negative?"
"Then he would come up with a clear course of action to get rid
of them."
"I think an example might help me."
"Can it be personal?" Julian asked.
"Sure, I'd love to know some of your innermost thoughts," I
"Actually, I was thinking about yours."
We both started to giggle like a couple of kids in a schoolyard.
"Oh, alright. You always did get your way."
"Okay let's go through just a few of the things that you did
today. Write them down on that piece of paper on the coffee table,"
Julian instructed.
I started to realize that something important was about to
happen. This was the first time in years that I had actually taken
the time to do nothing but reflect on the things I was doing and the
thoughts that I was thinking. It was all so strange and yet so
intelligent. After all, how could I ever hope to improve myself and
my life if I hadn't even taken the time to figure out what I was
supposed to improve?"
"Where do I start?" I asked.
"Start with what you did this morning and progress through
your day. Just hit a few of the highlights, we still have a fair amount
of ground to cover and I want to get back to Yogi Raman's fable in
a few minutes."
"Fine. I woke up at six-thirty to the sound of my electric
rooster," I joked.
"Get serious and keep going," Julian replied firmly.
"Okay. Then I showered and shaved, gobbled down a waffle
and rushed off to work."
"And what about your family?"
"They were all asleep. Anyway, once I got to the office, I
noticed that my seven-thirty appointment had been waiting there
since seven, and boy, was he furious!"
"What was your response?"
"I fought back, what was I supposed to do, let him push me
"Hmm. Okay. Then what happened?"
"Well, things went from bad to worse. The courthouse called
and told me that Judge Wildabest needed to see me in his
chambers and if I wasn't there within ten minutes, 'heads would
roll.' You remember Wildabest don't you? You were the one who
nicknamed him Judge Wild Beast after he held you in contempt
for parking your Ferrari in his parking spot!" I recalled, breaking
into laughter.
"You would have to bring that up, wouldn't you?" Julian
replied, his eyes revealing the remnants of that mischievous
twinkle he was once well known for.
"Anyway I rushed down to the courthouse and had another
argument with one of the clerks. By the time I got back to the
office, there were twenty-seven phone messages waiting for me,
all marked 'urgent.' Need I go on?"
"Please do."
"Well on the way home, Jenny called me in the car and asked
me to stop by her mother's house and pick up one of those amazing
pies my mother-in-law is famous for. Problem was that when I took
that exit, I found myself in the middle of a gridlock that was worse
than anything I have seen in ages. So there I was, in the middle of
rush-hour traffic, in ninety-five-degree heat, shaking with stress
and feeling that even more time was slipping away."
"How did you respond?"
"I cursed the traffic," I said with complete honesty. "I was
actually shouting out loud inside my car. Do you want to know what
I said?"
"I don't think that would be the kind of thing that would
nourish the garden of my mind," Julian responded with a soft
"But it might make for good fertilizer."
"No thanks. Maybe we should stop there. Just take a second
and look at your day. Obviously, in retrospect, there are at least a
few things that you would do differently if you had the chance."
"Like what?"
"Hmm. Well, first, in a perfect world I would get up earlier. I
don't think I'm doing myself any favors by hitting the ground
running. I'd like to have a little peace in the morning and ease
myself into the day. The Heart of the Rose technique you told me
about earlier sounds like it would be fun. Also, I really would like to
have the family around the breakfast table, even if only for a bowl
of cereal. It would give me a better sense of balance. I always seem
to feel that I never spend enough time with Jenny and the kids."
"But it is a perfect world, and you have a perfect life. You do
have the power to control your day. You do have the power to think
good thoughts. You do have the power to live your dreams!" Julian
observed, his voice rising.
"I am realizing this. I really am starting to feel that I can
"Great. Continue reflecting on your day," he instructed.
"Well, I wish I hadn't yelled at my client. I wish I hadn't
argued with the court clerk and I wish I hadn't screamed at the
"The traffic doesn't care, does it?"
"It just keeps on being traffic," I noted.
"I think you now see the power of the Ritual of Personal
Reflection. By looking at what you are doing, how you are
spending your day and the thoughts you are thinking, you give
yourself a benchmark for measuring improvement. The only way
to improve tomorrow is to know what you did wrong today."
"And come up with a clear plan so that it doesn't happen
again?" I added.
"Precisely. There is nothing wrong with making mistakes.
Mistakes are part of life and essential for growth. It's like that
saying, 'Happiness comes through good judgment, good judgment
comes through experience, and experience comes through bad
judgment.' But there is something very wrong with making the
same mistakes over and over again, day in and day out. This shows
a complete lack of self-awareness, the very quality that separates
humans from animals."
"I've never heard that one before."
"Well it's true. Only a human being can step out of himself and
analyze what he is doing right and what he is doing wrong. A dog
cannot do this. A bird cannot do this. Even a monkey cannot do it.
But you can. This is what the Ritual of Personal Reflection is all
about. Figure out what is right and what is wrong in your days and
in your life. Then set about making immediate improvements."
"Lots to think about, Julian. Lots to think about," I offered
"How about thinking about the Sixth Ritual for Radiant
Living: the Ritual of Early Awakening."
"Uh-oh. I think I know what's coming."
"One of the best pieces of advice I learned in that far-off oasis
of Sivana was to rise with the sun and to start the day off well.
Most of us sleep far more than we need to. The average person can
get by on six hours — and remain perfectly healthy and alert.
Sleep is really nothing more than a habit and like any other habit,
you can train yourself to achieve the result you want; sleeping less
in this case."
"But if I get up too early, I really do feel exhausted," I said.
"For the first few days, you will feel very tired. I'll freely admit
this. You might even feel this way for the first week of getting up
nice and early. Please see this as a small measure of short-term
pain for a large measure of long-term gain. You will always feel a
little discomfort when you are installing a new habit. It's sort of
like breaking in a new pair of shoes — at first it's a little hard to
wear them but soon they fit like a glove. As I told you earlier, pain
is often the precursor to personal growth. Don't dread it Instead,
embrace it."
"Okay, I like the idea of training myself to get up earlier. First,
let me ask you what does 'early' mean?"
"Another fine question. There is no ideal time. Just like
everything else I have shared with you so far, do what is right for
you. Remember Yogi Raman's admonishment: 'nothing to
extremes, everything in moderation.'"
"Getting up with the sun sounds extreme."
"Actually it isn't. There are few things more natural than rising
with the glory of the first rays of a new day. The sages believed
that sunshine was a gift from Heaven and while they were careful
not to overexpose themselves, they regularly had sunbaths and
often could be seen dancing playfully in the early morning
sunshine. I firmly believe that this was another key to their
extraordinary longevity."
"Do you sunbathe?" I asked.
"Absolutely. The sun rejuvenates me. When I grow tired it
keeps my mood bright. In the ancient culture of the East, the sun
was thought to be a connection to the soul. People worshipped it
as it allowed their crops to flourish along with their spirits.
Sunlight will release your vitality and restore your emotional and
physical vibrancy. It is a delightful physician, when visited in
moderation of course. Alas, I digress. The point is to get up early,
every day."
"Hmm. How do I build this ritual into my routine?"
"Here are a couple of quick tips. First, never forget that it is
the quality and not the quantity of sleep that is important. It is
better to have six hours of uninterrupted deep sleep than even ten
hours of disturbed sleep. The whole idea is to provide your body
with rest so that its natural processes can repair and restore your
physical dimension to its natural state of health, a state that is
diminished through the stresses and struggles of daily use. Many
of the habits of the sages are based on the principle that one must
strive for quality rest rather than quantity sleep. For example,
"Yogi Raman would never eat after 8:00 p.m. He said that the
digestive activity it induced would reduce the quality of his sleep.
Another example was the sages' habit of meditating to the soft
sounds of their harp immediately before heading off to sleep."
"What was the reason behind this?"
"Let me ask you, John. What do you do before you go to sleep
every night?"
"I watch the news with Jenny, the same as most people I know."
"I kind of thought so," replied Julian, with a mysterious
twinkle in his eyes.
"I don't get it. What could possibly be wrong with getting a
little shot of the news before I go to sleep?"
"The ten-minute period before you sleep and the ten-minute
period after you wake up are profoundly influential on your
subconscious mind. Only the most inspiring and serene thoughts
should be programmed into your mind at those times."
"You make the mind sound like a computer."
"That's a pretty fair way to look at it — what you put in is what
you get out. Even more important is the fact that you alone are the
programmer. By determining the thoughts that go in, you also are
determining precisely what will come out. So, before you go to
sleep, don't watch the news or argue with anyone or even go over
the day's events in your mind's eye. Relax. Drink a cup of herbal
tea, if you like. Listen to some soft classical music and prepare
yourself to drift off into a rich, renewing slumber."
"It makes sense. The better the sleep, the less I will need."
"Exactly. And remember the Ancient Rule of Twenty-one: if
you do anything for twenty-one days in a row, it will be installed as
a habit. So stay with the early-rising routine for about three weeks
before you give up because it feels too uncomfortable. By then it
will be a part of your life. Within short order you will be able to rise
at 5:30 a.m. or even at 5:00 a.m. with ease, ready to savor the
splendor of another great day."
"Okay, so let's say that I am getting up every day at five-thirty.
What do I do?"
"Your questions show that you are thinking, my friend. I
appreciate this. Once you are up, there are many things you can
do. The fundamental principle to keep in mind is the importance of
starting your day off well. As I've suggested, the thoughts you
think and the actions you take in the first ten minutes after you
wake up have a very marked effect on the rest of your day."
"Absolutely. Think positive thoughts. Give a prayer of thanks
for all you have. Work on your gratitude list. Listen to some great
music. Watch the sun come up, or perhaps go for a quick walk in
natural surroundings if you feel up to it. The sages would actually
make themselves laugh whether they felt like it or not, just to get
the 'happiness juices' flowing early in the morning."
"Julian, I am trying very hard to keep my cup empty — and I
think you will agree that I've done pretty well for a novice. But
that really sounds odd, even for a band of monks living high in the
"But it is not. Take a guess how many times the average fouryear-
old laughs in a day."
"Who knows?"
"I do, three hundred. Now guess how many times the average
adult in our society laughs in the course of a day."
"Fifty?" I tried.
"Try fifteen," Julian said, smiling in satisfaction. "You see my
point? Laughing is medicine for the soul. Even if you don't feel like
it, look in the mirror and laugh for a couple of minutes. You can't
help but feel fantastic. William James said, 'We don't laugh
because we are happy. We are happy because we laugh.' So start
your day on a delightful footing. Laugh, play and give thanks for
all you have. Every day will be an exquisitely rewarding one."
"What do you do to start your day off on a positive footing?"
"Actually, I have developed quite a sophisticated morning
routine which includes everything from the Heart of the Rose to
drinking a couple of glasses of freshly squeezed fruit juice. But
there is one strategy in particular which I would like to share with
"Sounds important."
"It is. Shortly after you have awakened, go into your sanctuary
of silence. Get still and focused. Then ask yourself this question:
'What would I do today if today was my last?' The key is to really
get into the meaning of this question. Mentally list all the things
you would do, the people you would call and the moments you
would savor. Envision yourself doing these things with great
energy. Visualize how you would treat your family and your
friends. Even picture how you would treat total strangers if today
was your last day on the planet. As I told you earlier, when you live
every day as if it was your last, your life will take on a magical
"And this brings me to the seventh of the Rituals of Radiant
Living: the Ritual of Music."
"I think I'm going to love this one," I replied.
"I'm sure you will. The sages loved their music. It gave them
the same spiritual boost as the sun did. Music made them laugh, it
made them dance and it made them sing. It will do the same for
you. Never forget the power of music. Spend a little time with it
every day, even if it is listening to a soft piece on a cassette while
you drive to work. When you feel down or weary, play some music.
It is one of the finest motivators I know of."
"Aside from yourself!" I exclaimed sincerely. "Just listening to
you makes me feel great. You really have changed, Julian, and not
just on the outside. Gone is your old cynicism. Gone is your former
negativity. Gone is your old aggressiveness. You really do seem to
be at peace with yourself. You have touched me tonight."
"Hey, there's more!" shouted Julian with his fist in the air.
"Let's keep going."
"I wouldn't have it any other way."
"Okay. The eighth ritual is the Ritual of the Spoken Word. The
sages had a series of mantras which they would recite morning,
noon and night. They told me that this practice was immensely
effective in keeping them focused, strong and happy."
"What's a mantra?" I asked.
"A mantra is nothing more than a collection of words strung
together to create a positive effect. In Sanskrit, 'man' means
'mind' and 'tra' means 'freeing.' So a mantra is a phrase which is
designed to free the mind. And, believe me, John, mantras
accomplish this objective in a very powerful way."
"Are you using mantras in your daily routine?"
"I sure am. They are my faithful companions wherever I go.
Whether I am on the bus, walking to the library or watching the
world go by in a park, I am constantly affirming all that is good in
my world through mantras."
"So mantras are spoken?"
"They do not have to be. Written affirmations are also very
effective. But I have found that repeating a mantra aloud has a
wonderful effect on my spirit. When I need to feel motivated, I
might repeat, 'I am inspired, disciplined and energized' out loud
two or three hundred times. To maintain the supreme sense of
self-confidence I have cultivated, I repeat, 'I am strong, able and
calm.' I even use mantras to keep me youthful and vital," Julian
"How could a mantra keep you young?"
"Words affect the mind in a pronounced way. Whether they are
spoken or written, they are powerful influences. While what you
say to others is important, even more important is what you say to
"Exactly. You are what you think about all day long. You are
also what you say to yourself all day long. If you say that you are
old and tired, this mantra will be manifested in your external
reality. If you say you are weak and lack enthusiasm, this too will
be the nature of your world. But if you say that you are healthy,
dynamic and fully alive, your life will be transformed. You see, the
words you say to yourself affect your self-image and your selfimage
determines what actions you take. For example, if your selfimage
is one of a person who lacks the confidence to do anything
of value, you will only be able to take actions which are aligned
with this trait. On the other hand, if your self-image is one of a
radiant individual who is fearless, again, all your actions will
correspond to this quality. Your self-image is a self-fulfilling
prophecy of sorts."
"How so?"
"If you believe that you are unable to do something, let's say,
find that perfect partner or live a stress-free life, your beliefs will
affect your self-image. In turn, your self-image will prevent you
from taking steps to find the perfect partner or to create a serene
life for yourself. It will actually sabotage any efforts you might
make in this direction."
"Why does it work this way?"
"Simple. Your self-image is a governor of sorts. It will never let
you act in a way that is inconsistent with it. The beautiful thing is
that you can change your self-image, just like you can change
everything else in your life if it is not serving to enhance it.
Mantras are a great way accomplish this objective."
"And when I change my inner world, I change my outer
world," I said dutifully.
"My, how quickly you learn," Julian said, giving me the
thumbs-up sign he had used so much in his former life as a star
"Which leads us into the Ninth Ritual of Radiant Living quite
nicely. This is the Ritual of a Congruent Character. It is sort of an
off-shoot of the self-image concept we were just talking about.
Simply stated, this ritual requires you to take daily, incremental
action to build your character. Strengthening your character
affects the way you see yourself and the actions you take. The
actions you take come together to form your habits and, this is
important, your habits lead you to your destiny. Perhaps Yogi
Raman articulated the formula best when he stated: 'You sow a
thought, you reap an action. Reap an action, you sow a habit. Sow
a habit, you reap a character. Sow a character, you reap your
"What kinds of things should I do to build my character?"
"Anything that cultivates your virtues. Before you ask me
what I mean by 'virtues,' let me clarify the concept. The wise
people of the Himalayas believed strongly that a virtuous life was
a meaningful life. So they governed all of their actions by a series
of timeless principles."
"But I thought you said they governed their lives by their
"Yes, this is quite so, but their life's calling included living in a
manner congruent to these principles, ones that their ancestors
held dear to their hearts for thousands of years."
"What are these principles, Julian?" I asked.
"They are, simply stated: industry, compassion, humility,
patience, honesty and courage. When all your actions are
congruent and aligned with these principles, you will feel a deep
sense of inner harmony and peace. Living this way will inevitably
lead you to spiritual success. This is because you will be doing what
is right. You will be acting in a way that is in accordance with the
laws of nature and the laws of the universe. This is when you will
start to tap into the energy of another dimension, call it a higher
power if you will. This is also when your life will move from the
ordinary into the realm of the extraordinary and you begin to
sense the sacredness of your being. It is the first step to lifelong
"Have you tasted this experience?" I asked.
"I have, and I believe you will too. Do the right things. Act in a
way that is congruent with your true character. Act with integrity.
Be guided by your heart. The rest will take care of itself. You are
never alone, you know," replied Julian.
"What do you mean?"
"I'll explain it to you another time perhaps. For now,
remember that you must do little things every day to build your
character. As Emerson said: 'Character is higher than intellect. A
great soul will be strong to live as well as to think.' Your character
is built when you act in a way that corresponds with the principles
I've just mentioned. If you fail to do this, true happiness will
always elude you."
"And the final ritual?"
"This is the all-important Ritual of Simplicity. This ritual
requires you to live a simple life. As Yogi Raman said 'one must
never live in the thick of thin things. Focus only on your priorities,
those activities which are truly meaningful. Your life will be
uncluttered, rewarding and exceptionally peaceful. This I
promise you.'
"He was right. The moment I started to separate the wheat
from the chaff, harmony filled my life. I stopped living at the
frenetic pace to which I had grown accustomed. I stopped living
my life in the eye of the tornado. Instead, I slowed down and took
the time to smell the proverbial roses."
"What things did you do to cultivate simplicity?"
"I stopped wearing expensive clothes, I kicked my addiction to
six newspapers a day, I stopped needing to be available to everyone
all the time, I became a vegetarian and I ate less. Basically, I
reduced my needs. You see, John, unless you reduce your needs,
you will never be fulfilled. You will always be like that gambler in
Las Vegas, staying at the roulette wheel for 'just one more spin' in
the hope that your lucky number will come up. You will always want
more than you have. How can you ever be happy?"
"But earlier you told me that happiness comes from
achievement. Now you are telling me to reduce my needs and be
content with less. Isn't this a paradox?"
"Excellent point, John. Brilliant in fact. It might seem like a
contradiction, but it isn't. Lifelong happiness does come through
striving to realize your dreams. You are at your best when you are
moving forward. The key is not to make your happiness
contingent on finding that elusive pot of gold at the end of the
rainbow. For example, even though I was a millionaire many times
over, I told myself that success to me meant having three hundred
million dollars in my bank account. This was a recipe for disaster."
"Three hundred million?" I asked in disbelief.
"Three hundred million. So no matter how much I had, I was
never satisfied. I was always unhappy. It was nothing more than
greed. I can now admit this freely. It was much like the story of
King Midas. I'm sure you have heard that one?"
"Sure. The man who loved gold so much he prayed that
everything he touched would turn to gold. When his wish was
granted he rejoiced. That was until he realized that he couldn't eat
because his food had turned to gold and so on, so forth."
"Right. Similarly, I was so money-driven that I couldn't enjoy
all that I had. You know there came a time when all that I could eat
was bread and water," Julian said, growing very quiet and pensive.
"Are you serious? I always thought you ate at the best
restaurants with all those celebrity friends of yours."
"That was in the early days. Not many people know about this,
but the burden of my out-of-control lifestyle gave me a bleeding
ulcer. I couldn't even eat a hot dog without getting sick. What a life!
All that money and all I could eat was bread and water. It was
pathetic really." Julian caught himself "But I'm not one to live in
the past. It was another one of life's great lessons. As I told you
earlier, pain is a powerful teacher. To transcend pain, I had to first
experience it. I wouldn't be where I am today without it," he said
"Any ideas on what I should do to bring the Ritual of Simplicity
into my own life?" I asked.
"There are so many things you can do. Even little things will
make a difference."
"Like what?"
"Stop picking up the phone every time it rings, stop wasting
time reading junk mail, stop eating out three times a week, give up
your golf-club membership and spend more time with your kids,
spend a day a week without your watch, watch the sun rise every
few days, sell your cellular phone and dump the pager. Need I
continue?" Julian asked rhetorically.
"I get the point. But sell the cell phone?" I asked anxiously,
feeling as a baby might at the doctor's suggestion that his
umbilical cord should be cut.
"Like I've said, my duty is to share the wisdom I have learned
through my journey with you. You need not apply every strategy
to make your life work. Try the techniques and use those that feel
right to you."
"I know. Nothing to extremes, everything in moderation."
"I have to admit though, every one of your strategies sounds
great. But will they really bring about profound shifts in my life in
only thirty days?"
"It will take even less than thirty days — and even more," said
Julian, with his trademark look of dimpled mischievousness.
"Here we go again. Do explain, O Wise One."
"'Julian' will be fine, although 'Wise One' would have looked
formidable on my old letterhead," he joked. "I say it will take less
than thirty days because true life change is spontaneous."
"Yes, it happens in the blink of an eye, the very moment you
decide from the deepest core of your being that you will raise your
life to its highest level. In that instant, you will be a changed
person, one set on the course of his destiny."
"And why longer than thirty days?"
"I promise you that by practicing these strategies and tools,
you will see marked improvements in one month from this
moment. You will have more energy, less worries, more creativity
and less stress in every aspect of your life. Having said this, the
sages' methods are not of the quick-fix kind. They are ageless
traditions which are meant to be applied daily, for the rest of your
days. If you stop applying them, you will find that you will
gradually slide back into your old ways."
After Julian had explained the Ten Rituals for Radiant Living
to me, he paused. "I know that you want me to keep going so I will.
I believe so strongly in what I am sharing with you that I don't
mind keeping you up all night. Perhaps this is a good time to get a
little deeper."
"What exactly do you mean? I think all that I have heard
tonight is pretty deep," I said in surprise.
"The secrets I have explained will allow you and all those you
come into contact with to create the lives you desire. But there is
much more to the philosophy of the Sages of Sivana than meets the
eye. What I have taught you up to now has been immensely
practical. But you must know something of the underlying
spiritual current which flows through the principles I have
outlined. If you do not understand what I am speaking about, don't
worry at this point. Simply take it in and chew on it for a while, you
can digest it later."
"When the student is ready, the teacher will appear?"
"Precisely," said Julian, now smiling. "You always were a
quick study."
"Okay, let's hear the spiritual stuff," I said energetically,
unaware that it was nearly two-thirty in the morning.
"Within you lies the sun, the moon, the sky and all the wonders
of this universe. The intelligence that created these wonders is the
same force that created you. All things around you come from the
same source. We are all one."
"I'm not sure I follow you."
"Every being on this Earth, every object on this Earth has a
soul. All souls flow into one, this is the Soul of the Universe. You
see, John, when you nourish your own mind and your own spirit,
you are really feeding the Soul of the Universe. When you improve
yourself, you are improving the lives of all those around you. And
when you have the courage to advance confidently in the direction
of your dreams, you begin to draw upon the power of the universe.
As I told you earlier, life gives you what you ask of it. It is always
"So self-mastery and kaizen will help me help others by
helping me help myself?"
"Something like that. As you enrich your mind, as you care for
your body and as you nurture your spirit, you will come to
understand exactly what I am saying."
"Julian. I know you mean well. But self-mastery is a pretty
high ideal for a 215-pound family man who, up to now, has spent
more time on client development than personal development.
What happens if I fail?"
"Failure is not having the courage to try, nothing more and
nothing less. The only thing standing between most people and
their dreams is the fear of failure. Yet failure is essential to success
in any endeavor. Failure tests us and allows us to grow. It offers us
lessons and guides us along the path of enlightenment. The teachers
of the East say that every arrow that hits the bull's eye is the result
of one hundred misses. It is a fundamental Law of Nature to profit
through loss. Never fear failure. Failure is your friend."
"Embrace failure?" I asked in disbelief
"The universe favors the brave. When you resolve, once and
for all, to lift your life to its highest level, the strength of your soul
will guide you. Yogi Raman believed that everyone's destiny was
laid out for them at birth. This path always leads to a magical place
filled with magnificent treasures. It was up to each individual to
develop the courage to walk this way. There is a story he shared
with me that I would like to pass on to you. Once, in ancient India,
there was an evil giant who owned a magnificent castle
overlooking the sea. As the giant had been away for many years
fighting in wars, the children of the nearby village used to come
into the giant's beautiful garden and play with great delight. One
day, the giant returned and threw all of the young children out of
his garden. 'Never return here!' he yelled as he slammed the huge
oak door in disgust. He then erected a huge marble wall around
the garden to keep the children out.
"Winter came with bitter cold which is native to the
northernmost parts of the Indian subcontinent, and the giant
wished the warmth would soon return. Spring visited the village
which lay below the giant's castle, but the icy claws of winter
refused to leave his garden. Then, one day, the giant finally smelled
the fragrances of Spring and felt the radiance of the sun through
his windows. "Spring has finally returned!" he cried, running out
into the garden. But the giant was unprepared for the sight which
greeted him. The children of the village had somehow managed to
climb over the castle wall and were playing in the garden. It was
because of their presence that the garden had been transformed
from a wintry wasteland into a lush place filled with roses,
daffodils and orchids. All the children laughed and giggled with
joy, but one. From the corner of his eye, the giant spotted a little
boy who was much smaller than all the other children. Tears ran
from his eyes as he did not have the strength to climb the wall into
the garden. The giant felt sad for this boy and, for the first time in
his life, regretted his evil ways. 'I will help this child,' he said,
running towards him. When all the other children saw the giant
coming, they ran from the garden, fearing for their lives. But the
tiny little boy stood his ground. 'I will slay the giant,' he
stammered. 'I will defend our playground.'
"As the giant approached the child, he opened his arms. 'I am
a friend,' he said. 'I have come to help you over the wall and into
the garden. This will be your garden now.'" The little boy, now a
hero amongst the children, rejoiced in happiness and gave the
giant the golden necklace which he had always worn around his
neck. 'This is my lucky charm,' he said. 'I want you to have it.'
"From that day on, the children played with the giant in his
wonderful garden. But the brave little boy whom the giant loved
the most never did return. As time went on, the giant grew ill and
frail. The children continued to play in the garden but the giant no
longer had the strength to keep them company. In those quiet
days, it was the little boy who the giant thought of the most.
"One day, in the midst of a particularly bitter winter, the giant
glanced out his window and saw a truly miraculous sight: though
most of the garden was covered in snow, at the center of the
garden there stood a magnificent rosebush overflowing with
spectacularly colored flowers. Next to the roses stood the little boy
who the giant loved. The boy was smiling sweetly. The giant
danced with delight and rushed outside to embrace the child.
'Where have you been all these years, my young friend? I've
missed you with all my heart.'
"The boy was thoughtful in his response. 'Many years ago you
lifted me over the wall into your magical garden. Now, I have
come to take you into mine.' Later that day, when the children
came to visit the giant they found him lying lifeless on the ground.
From head to toe, he was covered by a thousand beautiful roses.
"Always be brave, John, like that little boy. Stand your ground
and follow your dreams. They will lead you to your destiny. Follow
your destiny, it will lead you into the wonders of the universe. And
always follow the wonders of the universe, for they will lead you to
a special garden filled with roses."
As I looked over at Julian to tell him that this story had
touched me deeply, I saw something that startled me: this rockhard
legal gladiator who had spent the better part of his life
defending the rich and famous had started to weep.